Success of Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 1 is considered the most successful and excellent game in 2008. It is an online game with many great prizes and impressive sales. And now the publisher has launched Left 4 Dead 2 with the hope of breaking the record of its predecessor.

1. Plot

The story begins in the city of Savannah Ellis, the rescue planes have left the houses with only four people left alive trying to get over the rooftops to reach the rescue planes, but unfortunately, both of them 4 people were delayed and all had to stay in the city of Savannah Ellis.

With a difficult situation, the four of them formed a group to escape the city of Savannah ellis together. They began to walk the streets and search for food, food, water and as well as weapons to be able to fight what was about to happen around them. And at the same time seek help from the rescue force.

2. Gameplay Left 4 Dead 2

In the game, the player must play as 1 of 4 surviving characters to control that character to fight the infected people to find the area to be rescued and find a means to get out of the affected area. pandemic.

3. Game mode:

Single player mode in which the player will control one survivor, the remaining survivors will be controlled by the game.

Campaign mode: all 4 players together to fight dangerous zombies.

Fighting mode: 8 players in which 4 people control survivors and 4 control zombies, respectively.

Survival mode: In which 4 players will fight consecutive attacks of zombies until all are destroyed.

The game has a diverse map system, characters with style: Guns and survival weapons are divided into 3 groups: main, secondary and long-range.

  • The main group of weapons: Including large guns with strong firepower such as AK 47, long-range sniper rifles, machine guns, but the disadvantage is that the amount of ammunition is quite limited, only provided at the beginning of each level or Some special areas are scattered throughout the game screen.

Long-range weapon group: Also granted very little due to the range and damage caused to very large targets such as petrol bombs, time mines with flares.
Weapons of the subgroup: Unlimited ammunition carried but very poor firepower such as pistols or if the damage is high, the player is forced to interact with zombies such as axes, crowbars, baseball bats.
Types of support items: Players will be granted at the beginning of the game with a very limited amount such as: blood, healing pain relievers … To earn more, the player must overcome a lot of zombies to reach the location. support.

In the game, there are several types of zombies such as: Normal Zombie, Boomer, Zombie Charger, Agile Zoombie – Hunter, Smoker zombie, Strong Zombie – Tank, Wailing Zombie – Witch, Zombie Spitter. Each type of zombies carries a different form and toxins, from normal levels to extremely dangerous zombies.

4. Graphics:

3D game graphics, vivid, detailing the cruelty of the world after the zombie apocalypse. The surviving characters are very lively from actions to facial expressions that clearly show lifelike details. Zombies are depicted very realistically showing an obsession with visual gait for each species. The details of the gun or the details of the zombies’ blood are also detailed by the game.

5. Sound: 

Meticulously cared for, each character has their own lines and is voiced by their own actors to suit their age and circumstances.
When playing, there will be different background music, when zombies appear, the music is also very dramatic and thrilling for players. The sound of each zombie species is also unique, the sound they emit is also very haunting for the player.

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