The champions with high damage in the game League of Legends

League of Legends is a game that requires players to work together to destroy their opponents’ nexus. One of the key components of success in League of Legends is the ability to deal high damage to enemy champions. There are several champions in the game who excel at dealing damage, each with their own unique playstyle and strengths.

In this article, we will explore some of the most popular champions with high damage in League of Legends and examine their abilities, strategies, and tips for success.


Zed is a champion known for his high burst damage and mobility. He is an assassin champion who excels at quickly eliminating enemy champions before they have a chance to react. Zed’s abilities revolve around his shadows, which he can create by casting his W ability. These shadows allow him to dash and teleport around the battlefield, making him difficult to catch.

Zed’s ultimate ability, Death Mark, is what makes him particularly deadly. When Zed casts Death Mark on an enemy champion, he becomes untargetable and dashes to the target, dealing a large amount of damage. If the target dies while the mark is active, Zed gains bonus damage on his next attack.

To play Zed effectively, it’s important to focus on positioning and timing. Zed is squishy and vulnerable to crowd control, so it’s important to avoid getting caught out of position. It’s also important to time Zed’s abilities and ultimate for maximum effect, using his shadows to dash in and out of fights.


Yasuo is another assassin champion with high damage potential. He is known for his mobility and ability to deal damage in quick bursts. Yasuo’s passive ability, Way of the Wanderer, grants him a shield whenever he moves around the battlefield. This shield makes him particularly durable in fights and allows him to stay in the fray longer.

Yasuo’s Wind Wall ability is what sets him apart from other champions. This ability creates a wall of wind that blocks all enemy projectiles, making it a powerful defensive tool in fights. Yasuo’s ultimate ability, Last Breath, is also devastating. When he casts this ability, he dashes to an enemy champion and deals damage to all nearby enemies. This ability also stuns enemies who have been knocked up by Yasuo or his allies.

To play Yasuo effectively, it’s important to focus on building up his shield with his passive ability. This will allow him to stay in fights longer and deal more damage. It’s also important to use Yasuo’s Wind Wall ability strategically, blocking enemy projectiles and protecting allies. Yasuo’s ultimate ability can be difficult to land, so it’s important to coordinate with allies to knock up enemies before casting it.


Jinx is a marksman champion known for her ability to deal massive amounts of damage from a distance. She is a champion with a high risk, high reward playstyle, as she is vulnerable to enemy attacks but can deal devastating damage if left unchecked. Jinx’s passive ability, Get Excited!, grants her a movement speed boost whenever she kills an enemy champion or tower.

Jinx’s abilities revolve around her rockets and minigun. Her minigun deals rapid-fire damage to a single target, while her rockets deal area-of-effect damage to multiple targets. Her ultimate ability, Super Mega Death Rocket!, is particularly deadly. This ability fires a rocket that deals damage to all enemies in a straight line, dealing more damage the further it travels.

To play Jinx effectively, it’s important to focus on positioning and timing. Jinx is vulnerable to crowd control and enemy attacks, so it’s important to stay behind allies and avoid getting caught out of position. It’s also important to time Jinx’s abilities and ultimate for maximum effect.


Kha’Zix is a champion known for his high burst damage and mobility. He is an assassin that excels at taking out single targets quickly and efficiently. His kit revolves around his Void spikes and his ability to evolve different parts of his body to enhance his abilities.

Kha’Zix’s Q ability, Taste Their Fear, deals bonus damage to isolated targets and can be evolved to deal additional damage and reset its cooldown. His W ability, Void Spike, fires spikes that deal damage in an area and can be evolved to slow enemies and heal Kha’Zix. His E ability, Leap, allows him to jump over walls and terrain, making him highly mobile. Finally, his ultimate ability, Void Assault, grants him invisibility and the ability to create a copy of himself, allowing him to escape from dangerous situations or reposition himself for a surprise attack.

Overall, Kha’Zix is a highly mobile champion that can quickly take out isolated targets with his burst damage. He is great for players who enjoy playing aggressively and love the thrill of hunting down enemies.

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